Bird Cakes

Bird Cakes

Birds need food in the winter to maintain their energy and body heat. Where I live in Ontario, Canada, cold temperatures require birds to burn more calories to stay warm, and natural food sources like insects, berries, and seeds become scarce. Many birds rely on high-energy foods such as seeds, nuts, and suet to survive harsh conditions. Bird cakes offer supplemental feeding and can help sustain them through the winter months when resources are limited.

We sourced all of our materials from Bulk Barn. You will need:

  • Wild Bird Seed - 1 cup per form
  • Natural, No Sugar or Salt Organic Peanut Butter - 1/2 cup per form
  • Berries - we used 10-12 Blueberries, Cranberries
  • Pumpkin seeds: raw, unsalted
  • 5-6 Dried apricots per form (not pictured)
  • Hazelnuts or other nuts: unsalted, un roasted: 5-10 per form



Berries, peanut butte and bird seed overhead view for the Doodle Post Bird Cakes

Mix 1 cup of seed with approx 1/2 cup of nut butter. We used wild bird seed from Bulk Barn and their natural, organic peanut butter.


Line your glass bowl with a thin, plastic bag like a produce bag. 

Fill your form with the seed and nut mixture. When filled, fold bag over bowl and press/pack the mixture in as firmly as possible.

Freeze for 30 minutes. This helps the form stay firm when you decorate it.


Remove from form, take the plastic bag off and flip over onto an outdoor plate.  Decorate with berries, fruit, seeds and nuts. We spread more peanut butter on these items so they would stick.

FInal Image of a Bird Cake: Bird seed and berries from The Doodle Post.

Place outside away from pets! And share pics - we'd love to see your creations!